Interview Tips and Tricks
A lot of aspiring job seekers think that having a great resume that portrays them as the perfect candidate is their ticket to a dream job; well they couldn’t be more wrong in assuming that. A well written resume is good enough to give you a shot at an interview; once you close that interview room door behind you it depends on how well you manage the interview and the interviewing panel. A lot of times people feel that the interview went great, however they fail to understand why they didn’t get the job! The answer lies in the fact that you perceived that the interview went good, the interviewer on the other hand, had other thoughts. So how do we ensure that we turn a good interview into a great one, how can we manage an interview?
Most of the times a candidate gets rejected or is not hired due to their own fault. The most common reasons why a candidate is not hired is because of untidy appearance, inability to communicate their thoughts clearly, lack of interest, negative attitude and lack of eye contact.
Let’s look at some simple interview tips and tricks that can help you manage an interview to your benefit.
Interview Tips & Tricks
The most important point for a great interview is being well prepared. being prepared for the interview includes ensuring that you are confident, have in-depth knowledge about the job you are applying for, and being equipped to answer all the questions placed before you. An interview is the first impression that you make on a prospective employer, and you need to ensure that this one interaction helps you secure the job. Let’s look at some interview tips that will help create a good impression and help you give a perfect interview.
- Dress appropriately: When going for an interview, personal hygiene needs special attention. You should be well groomed, shaved and wearing clothes that are clean, ironed and appropriate for the event. It is easier to make a good impression if you are well groomed and well dressed, Never go for an interview looking like you are dressed for a party or dressed for hanging out with friends.
- Punctuality – When giving an interview, always ensure that you reach the venue 15 minutes in advance; this ensures that you have enough time in hand to settle down and compose yourself. Leaving a head of time from home also ensures that you take into consideration any possible delays along the way. A candidate who is not punctual for an interview has already thrown away the chance he had at the job.
- Social profiles:- ensure that your social network profiles are set to private, a lot of times candidates lose out on a job because their social profiles gave a picture that they would not fit in with the organization’s culture.
- Know the company:- It is always advisable to know about the companies values, mission , objectives and plans. You also should have a strong reason for joining the company rather than giving a vague reason for wanting the job.
- Switch off your mobile phone.
- Hand shake:- ensure that your handshake is firm and confident, shake hands with the interviewer before and after the interview.
- Calm & composed body language:- Be calm & relaxed yet have an alert posture. This gives an impression that you have a positive approach, ensure that your body language is composed and positive throughout the interview. Do not slouch, twiddle your fingers or shake your legs during an interview.
- Listen attentively:- listen attentively to the questions that are being asked by the interviewer, if you did not understand the question, ask the interviewer to repeat himself. If it is an interview panel, answer one question at a time.
- Documentation: Always carry a few copies of your resume along with you, even though the interviewer would have a copy of your resume, carrying a extra copy shows that you are prepared.
- Carry a notepad, this is one point most people do not do, carrying a notepad helps you stand out and is useful for taking notes if required.
- Be professional:- An interview is not the place where you crack jokes, be cordial, polite yet professional when interacting with the interview panel.
- Answer to the point:- When answering questions, be precise and to the point, don’t keep on rambling about things to a point where you lose focus on the question.
- Never talk bad about your boss:- this is one tip that people fail to understand, an interview is not the place to bad mouth a boss or your previous organisation, Badmouthing a boss or organisation gives a picture of negativity that a hiring manager would not want .
- Set goals: You should have your professional goals set and need to understand these goals before going for an interview, a lot of times candidates are left dumbstruck when asked what their goals are, it is also important to have a practical and achievable goal, having a goal like” I want to be the CEO of the organisation in the next 5 years” is not smart when you are applying for an entry level job. A candidate without a goal gives a picture of being lazy and unprepared for the interview.
- Talk about accomplishments:- know your accomplishments and talk about them when asked, they are the highlights of your career and you should be proud to speak about them, however a word of caution do not sound overconfident or boastful.
- Give references to instances where you have been able to implement or accomplish something.
- Know your strengths:- a lot of candidates do not know what their strengths are when they go for an interview.
- Be passionate:- your passion for your job or the post you are applying for must be evident during an interview, you should be able to convey why you want the job and how you further your knowledge.
- Keep your personal life private:- avoid talking about your personal life and its dramas in an interview, save that talk for the coffee table or for drinks with your friends.
- Maintain eye contact:- Ensure that you maintain eye contact with your interviewer, avoid staring into space or at the ceiling or wall when speaking to or being spoken to doing an interview. Maintaining eye contact gives an impression that the person is confident.
- Avoid being overfriendly or being flirtatious during an interview.
- Avoid touching your face, hair, and chin or arm constantly as it can be construed as you being dishonest.
- Ask questions: Ask valid questions, at the end of an interview ask relevant questions, some of the questions that you can ask at the end of an interview are:-
- Who would I report in to?
- When would the hiring decision be made?
- What training is provided?
- Does the organisation have a dress code?
24. Reinforce your strong interest and desire in the job.
25. Close the interview by thanking the interviewer or the panel for this opportunity.
Following these simple tips and tricks will help you master the art of giving an interview and will help you crack that interview and get your dream job.