Graduate Nurse

A graduate nurse is a nurse that has completed nursing school and is set to enter the nursing field. A graduate nurses resume is like any other nurses resume, however when writing a graduate nurses resume one must keep a few tips in mind. Here we give you a brief of what needs to be added to a graduate nurse resume.

A graduate nurse resume should be clear, comprehensive and focus on the required sections so that your resume is attractive to future employers. You must focus on the educational and academic qualifications; you should list down your degrees, diploma as well as any nursing certifications that you have obtained along with any nursing licenses that you have received.


As a graduate nurse you may not have much of work exposure, however you must list you’re your nursing job experience, your internship and any other jobs that you have held in the past.

In this section we have lined up a few examples of graduate nurse resume that you can use as a reference while writing your own nurse resume. The sample graduate nurse resume given here is written by professional resume writers and focuses on the key aspects of a perfect graduate nurse resume. This resume will help you give a boost to your nursing career and give your resume an added advantage.

Some Common Formats for Graduate Nurse Resume are given below: