Charge Nurse

A charge nurse or a nurse in-charge is a nursing professional with vast experience and professional maturity and is given the responsibility of handling or managing the functioning’s and operations of the particular patient ward or area. A charge nurse’s job is not only a highly responsible job; it is also a very high paying job and one that is highly competitive. Candidates looking for the job need to ensure that they are equipped with a charge nurse resume that is able to highlight not only their nursing skills but also their management skills that will help them get a job.

Job Description: A charge nurse is a nursing supervisor or shift supervisor for a clinic, hospital ward or medical center. The nurse may be required to manage the functioning of a particular area or entire center and is responsible for managing the staffing of nurses and other health care staff, managing patient admission and discharge, managing activities in the ward, communicating with other departments of the hospital, overlooking the functioning of the support staff and taking care of the well being of patients. The job of a charge nurse is one filled with responsibility.

Skill Requirement: The charge nurse is responsible for managing a department or section of the department for a shift and thus requires both managerial skills, nursing skills and skills as a care giver. Most important skills that a candidate should have are sound medical knowledge, good knowledge of disease and health related issues, ability to work with complex medical equipment, ability to work in a team, ability to work long hours and under stress, should be compassionate, have good command on communication and good organizational skills.

Educational Requirements: the candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in nursing to be eligible for the post, having a post graduate degree or diploma in nursing or fields related to healthcare will greatly help the candidate’s chances at getting a job as well as improve one’s chances of growing in the organization.

When preparing your charge nurse resume one must highlight the persons managerial skills, experience in managing a team of nurses, handling a department or ward skill at working under pressure, ability to take up extra responsibilities etc. This along with the candidates nursing skills and knowledge with help portray that you are the perfect candidate for the job.


Here we have a few sample charge nurse resumes that have been prepared by a professional writer with immense experience and expertise in the field, these samples have been created keeping in mind the qualities and requirement that candidates must have when applying for the job to give them an edge over the competition. These sample resumes will help you create a favorable impression in the minds of employers and recruiters and will help you stand out amongst the competition and improve your chances of getting a job.

Refer to the Sample Resumes given here:

Sample Resume 1

Sample Resume 2

Sample Resume 3

Sample Resume 4

Sample Resume 5


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