College Student
A college student may not have much to show when it comes to work experience other than a few part time jobs that they may have taken up during their vacations or to pay for their college fees. However a college student does need an effective resume to help them land a good job, even if it is a part time job or a summer job.
When drafting a good college student resume the person needs to highlight the college student’s knowledge that he or she would have gained while at school and college. A college student resume must have the education qualifications above the work experience section, this way you can emphasise on the person’s education and academic accolades and qualification. The college students work experience should be mentioned after the education section, giving details about the type of work done, roles and responsibilities and dates.
In this section we have a few sample college student resumes that you can use to draft your own resume. These sample resumes draw attention of the reader on to the education section thus hiding the fact that the college student does not have much experience. You can download these resume samples and customize them to suit your profile. Either way these resume will help boost your career and help you land a great job.
We have here some sample college student resumes for your reference
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