Substitute Teacher

Substitute Teacher Resume

A substitute teacher is a teacher that is hired to replace one of the permanent teaching staff for a short duration. Like any other teacher a substitute teacher must possess the skills that are required to apply for the position of a teacher.

A substitute teachers resume must highlight points like the candidates skills that make him a preferred choice as a substitute teacher and one that can be trusted and banked upon to join work at  a very short notice in case of an emergency.

A Substitute teachers resume must highlight along with teaching skills, contact information along with alternate contact information, details about any past experience as a substitute teacher along with duration. It is also recommended that a substitute teachers resume have a strong reference section, along with any references or recommendations made by any of the previous employers.

We have provided you with a few sample substitute teacher resumes that you can use to create your own substitute teachers resume. These free substitute teacher sample resumes have been written by a professional resume writer, and will help you write your own substitute teachers resume.


Some Common Formats for sample Substitute Teachers Resume are given below: