Entry Level Student

Entry level student resume is needed by college of school students who have completed their education and are now looking to set up a career in a particular field. An entry level student resume will help the candidate get a job as in assistant or an intern where he or she will be taught the various skills required for the job and are trained on how to carry out various tasks related with the job. A well drafted entry level student resume will not only help the candidate highlight his or her knowledge and skills, it also helps draw the reader’s attention away from the candidates lack of experience in the field.

In today’s highly competitive market a well written resume can not only be an added advantage for the job seeker, it can be the main difference between the candidate being rejected outright even before he or she can have a chance at the interview and the candidate being called for the interview.

When drafting a student resume for an entry level position one needs to keep a few points in mind:

  • Header: Always ensure that your resume has a powerful title. The title is the first thing that a reader will see on your resume, having a strong and powerful header will ensure that the reader is attracted to your resume.
  • Objective Statement: The objective statement should be short, not more than 3-4 sentences long , should refer to the position that you are applying for and should mention your key skills.
  • Skills: The key skills of the candidate is a very important part of the resume, this section lets employers know what are that key skills and qualities that a candidate has that makes him or her suitable for the post. Highlighting the candidates key skills can make it easier for him or her get a job.
  • Education: The education section of the resume is another key section that needs to be focused on, highlighting ones accomplishments in academics, degrees, diplomas or post graduate degrees help create a picture that the candidate is knowledgeable and has the required skills and knowledge required for the job. Listing down academic accomplishments like GPA scores, examination s or certifications etc will help show that you are candidate who is a good performer and has potential.
  • Experience: This section of the student resume must focus on any job that the candidate has held, you can add internships, part time jobs, on the job trainings etc here. Always ensure that you add the detailed description of each job including the roles and responsibilities played in each job.


When drafting a student resume for an entry level job one must ensure that the resume is optimized to suit the job description of each job separately. Highlighting these sections of one’s resume will ensure that your profile is a winning profile that sets you apart for the crowd.

In this section we have a few sample resumes that have been written keeping in mind the skills and qualities that are needed for a good student profile. You can use these sample entry level student resume when drafting your resume and help create a profile that will catch the eyes of an employers and also help get you a dream job. Refer to these samples when drafting your resume and give your fledgling career a head start over the competition.

Browse through the sample resumes given below:

Entry Level Student Sample Resume 1

Entry Level Student Sample Resume 2

Entry Level Student Sample Resume 3

Entry Level Student Sample Resume 4

Entry Level Student Sample Resume 5

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